Heimdall 3D Printer Files Now On Github

Hello readers, I just wanted to let all of you know that the files for the Heimdall 3D Printer are on Github. You can go through them, make changes, or even contribute to the project. You can also now build yourself one, and modify the printer the way you like and then contribute the changes that you have done to the main project.

Here is the link to the Github repository:

In there you can find the Bill of Materials, which contains all the parts needed to build the 3D printer. You can also find all the 3D printable parts, which also contain their CAD files for easy modification of the parts.

These files also include some optional parts, which means that the printer will be able to function without them, but if you would like to get the functionality that they provide, you can still print them and add them to your Heimdall 3D printer.

The Marlin Firmware for the printer is also included within the files, which means that you can easily flash it and get up and running with your printer. The Marlin Firmware is configure to work with my current setup, but if you want to make your printer bigger or modify it in any way, you can change the code to reflect those physical changes.

Included are also the printing profiles for Cura and Slic3r, which gives you more options in terms of slicers to use with the Heimdall.

All the changes that I will be making in the future to the printer will be added to the main repository of the Heimdall.

Note: This post was originally posted on my old website on April 23, 2016. Sadly this project was deprecated a long time ago but you can freely use any of the files for it. If you would like to view the original post, click this link.

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